4 hr
From 50 US dollars
Regular Buggy (Shared)
This price is for 2 people seating together in 1 buggy. Shared Buggy pricing is ONLY valid for EVEN numbers of individuals (2,4,6 etc). There is no difference between adult and child price. If both people are more than 18+ they can switch the driver’s seat during the different stops.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.